Volker Matheis

The PR profile series explores the definitions of PR simply asking communications professionals from different industries around the globe to complete 10 sentences.

This month we asked Munich-based Volker Matheis to fill in the blanks for us.

1. Public relations is….  something that everyone has.

2. Public relations is not… a subset of marketing or anything like advertisement (… no, mum!).

3. I work in PR because… every day is different.

4. My work essentials consist of… my serenity.

5. I’m really good at… lateral thinking.

6. I wish I was better at… see fourth point :-)

7. In five years time I’m going to be… still thirsty for knowledge and a sport-maniac.

8. I wake up in the morning because… my brain already starts to work.

9. I’m currently listening to… Monkey Safari.

10. My words of wisdom are… the only important thing is to relaaaaaax!

With over 10 years experience in Brand Marketing Communications for clients from various industries, Volker has been responsible for strategy development, creative approach and the implementation of numerous successful brand campaigns. He spends all his spare time with friends, travelling around the world and playing sports.